REARTH VOC Gas Recovery Device Series
REARTH VOC Gas Recovery Device Series
【Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)】Volatile Organic Compounds (organic solvent)
A form of hydrocarbon defined by the WHO (World Health Organization) as a volatile organic compound having a boiling point below 250℃, and that become gas in the air. It is said that there are approximately 200 types of this thinner-like solution solvent in circulation, excluding methane. A common example of this type of solvent is freon, which causes ozone layer depletion and global warming. However, VOC is widely used in production activities that support the lives of people.(REARTH ® SERVICE)

VOC recovery gas devices are available for rental. The device can be used with no initial investment. The greatest features of the device, solvent cost reduction and response to environmental issues, are maintained.
(REARTH SERVICE) Introduction Steps
(*This environmental measure promotion service was jointly developed with the Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute.)
Commencement of technical survey by our technical staff
Plan proposal and estimate
Explanation and confirmation of the agreement content. Procedure for conclusion of agreement
Introduction of volatile organic compound (VOC) gas revovery device. Ancillary work
Commence REARTH service